Hispanic Alliance Georgia provides wrap around services to primarily Latino families in need in Hall County and surrounding areas. We prioritize our most vulnerable families and children living in poverty.
Gainesville City is comprised of 41.3% Latino population. Latinos in Hall County are largest minority living below poverty line, living in neighborhoods of 50% or more in poverty.
People living in neighborhoods with high poverty levels suffer poorer health, higher rates of crime, poor performing schools, limited access to support networks and job opportunities.
Growing up in poverty threatens child development, impairs brain development, leads to poor academic cognitive and health outcomes. Children who grow up in households with parents with low educational attainment or have not graduated High School have socioeconomic disadvantages, lower birth rate, health issues, are not school ready, have limited opportunities of education and employment as adults.
2490 Hilton Dr, Gainesville, Georgia 30501, United States
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